HowDoICraftAgain? wrote
Ohh yes the carry out, thanks brah :D I remember
Carry out from the Add16 is not available. One of the bits in 'out' is what you want for 'ng'.
But how do I select which bits I wanna flip and which I don't? Also how do I XOR a 16 bit input to a 1 bit one together?
What bit flipping are you talking about?
Xor 16 x 1 is a lot of typing. Assuming that you have an Xor16:
CHIP Xor16x1 {
IN a[16], b;
OUT out;
Xor16(a=a, b[0]=b, ... b[15]=b);
But think about this: Xor16x1 is just a conditional Not16 so it is the same circuit that you already have for 'nx'.