A lot of people already implemented their HACK computer on FPGA.
And I also did.
Used material: MAX 10 NEEK
https://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=English&CategoryNo=218&No=956* FPGA vendor: Altera
* Board vendor: Terasic
* Used peripherals:
- 7.0 inch Color LCD (for SCREEN)
- PS/2 Serial Port (for KBD)
- UART to USB (for uploading program to ROM32K)
- Switch (for select between upload_mode and run_mode)
It has almost all of peripherals to implement external devices for HACK computer. All I need to do is finding PS/2 keyboard (which was somewhat hard because almost all keyboards are USB nowadays...)
I implemented uploading as simple as possible: set baudrate = 115200 and copy .HACK file (text file full of '0's and '1's, result of your assembler) to serial port. It would take up to 50 seconds to upload program, but no additional tools are needed.
I successfully uploaded and run provided Pong program to FPGA.
I'll upload "Development notes" soon.