In the "Hack ALU", what does the "Hack" mean?

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In the "Hack ALU", what does the "Hack" mean?

What's the difference between the "ALU" and the "Hack ALU"?
What does the "Hack" mean?
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Re: In the "Hack ALU", what does the "Hack" mean?

ALU means "Arithmetic Logic Unit". Basically every processor has at least one of these, but they may be different for different processors.

"Hack" is the name of the CPU and the computer, that is designed in the book/course and Hack ALU is this processor's ALU.
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Re: In the "Hack ALU", what does the "Hack" mean?

Thank you!
So, that just means the special kind of ALU designed in this course.
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Re: In the "Hack ALU", what does the "Hack" mean?

Yes. Think of "Hack" being the name and model of a computer manufactured by some small company that makes everything from the ground up. There is the Hack computer, which uses a Hack hardware architecture, which is based on a Hack CPU, which is based on a Hack ALU.

So where as we often talk about the Intel whatever-processor CPU, here we talk about the Hack CPU. Same for the ALU. An Intel CPU might have many different ALUs in it for different purposes and each one has some kind of a name so that we can keep straight which one we are talking about. Here we talk about the Hack ALU when we are talking about this specific ALU and not ALUs in general.
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Re: In the "Hack ALU", what does the "Hack" mean?

Thanks! You exactly fill me in.