2nd Edition: Appendices: Hardware Description Language
A2.2 Multi-Bit Buses: Internal bus pins
"chipPart(..., x[i..j] = v, ...);"
"The second binding defines v to be an internal bus-pin of width j - I + 1 bits and sets its value to the bits indexed i to j (inclusive) of bus-pin x."
I understand the semantics. I checked my chip/gate implementations and I never used this "[i..j] = v" syntax; I assume the project architects intended this syntax to be used; which made me wonder if I could have done a better job writing my HDL by employing this "deduced implicitly from the bindings" syntax.
I would very much appreciate it if a
non-student (The "My Implementation" links below link to HTML and Markdown documents that includes all my implementations) could please check my implementations and see if there are places where I could have used this syntax to improve efficiency and readability.
Thank you!
My Implementations - HTMLMy Implementations - Markdown