JRE not work on a system with windows 10 and browser Edge

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JRE not work on a system with windows 10 and browser Edge

Silviu Toderici
In the book website is written: "In order to use the nand2tetris software tools, your computer must be equipped with a Java Run-time Environment. The JRE can be downloaded freely from many sites including this one. For best performance, download the latest available version." When I tried to download JRE, I was warned that Java extensions are not supported by the browser Edge> As I don't want to roll back to IE, what options I have. Does somebody make the book's software to work on windows?
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Re: JRE not work on a system with windows 10 and browser Edge

I wouldn't think that the fact that Edge doesn't support Java extensions (to the browser) that it would prevent you from installing the JRE, which is used by a LOT more than a browser.

Perhaps what you got was just a warning that you need to accept in order to continue?

You should be able to download the JRE installation file and save it on your hard drive and then run it to do the actual install, having nothing to do with a browser.

Another option is to install Chrome or Firefox, though I know that it seems ridiculous to have to install a different browser in order to download something.