Jack Constructors as normal Functions

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Jack Constructors as normal Functions

Why not remove the special constructor subroutine and replace it with a normal function ? :

class Point
        field int mX, mY;

        method void cons ( int x, int y )
                let mX = x;
                let mY = y;

        function Point make ( int x, int y )
                var Point p;
                let p = Memory.alloc( 2 );
                do p.cons( x, y );
                return p;
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Re: Jack Constructors as normal Functions

What will happen if you add a third field, but forget to fix the call to Memory.alloc()?
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Re: Jack Constructors as normal Functions

This is a very "weak" argument ... You can forget many things. You can forget to dispose a field, if you change it from int to object type ... The goal of the course is declared to be: "to create just enough functionality, so the essence can be captured". The constructor is a not-needed magical part. The proposed implementation is revealing to the undelying mechanics and have a good pedagogial value.
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Re: Jack Constructors as normal Functions

It is not a weak argument. You can have several constructors in one class. You'll need to make sure they are all allocate the correct amount of memory during the development. This means having to hunt down countless hard to find errors.

I think you shouldn't take the "just enough functionality" that literally. I'm sure there are other examples where the authors added not-strictly needed functionality for various reasons.