Jack compiler written in Jack...

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Jack compiler written in Jack...


I'm building a Jack compiler that generates C code in Jack itself.

The compiler can be found here:

Some games compiled for Debian, Windows and Macos can be found here:
The Hackenstein3D game works well, others are not yet really usable.

The compiler source code is dual licensed MIT and public domain.

The compiler has 2 modes, the -hack option is used to compile Hack programs. Without this option the input code is not compatible with the Hack platform.

I will work to clean the code and fix bugs in the future.

Have fun,
 Jean-Marc L.

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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack...

Interesting project.  I'll try it on my macos system.

How does someone get their game added to your hack games github?  My game isn't a standalone repo, but I can make it so.

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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack...


I've added your game to my repository:

Could you choose a open source license, so I can add it ?

Here is a list of licenses:
github licenses

You can download the new binaries here:

Note the windows executables of the previous release were broken.

Thanks for your interest in my project,

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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack...


I've created a pull request with the MIT license.  The canonical URL of my project is also provided where people can find my C reference POC and my TIFF-to-Jack utility for the generated sprite code.

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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack...

In reply to this post by oksid
The last release was not very useful...

I have a new release of my compiler :

And compiled games :

The new font is ugly, I will edit it for the next release.

Now all the games seem to run more or less well under Debian 10, Windows 10 and MacOS Big Sur.

My project has reached the point that it is now usable, you can compile your existing application to a native executable for the three main desktop operating systems.

 Jean-Marc L.
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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack... Public Domain


I've moved the project to that new github repository:

I've modified the license, it is now pure Public Domain.

Now, this public domain software is a sustainable economy project.

Thank you for your interest in my software,
 Jean-Marc L.
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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack...

In reply to this post by oksid
this link doesn't work any more... Ooops apologies the later one does, d'oh !
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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack... Public Domain

In reply to this post by oksid
Hi Jean-Marc,

I can't find the Jack projects/games you collected.  It was handy to have everything in one repo.

Could you point me to where the repo is now?  I was hoping to use these as test inputs to some changes I've been making to my parser project.

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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack... Public Domain


I've deleted the repository.

Here is the game collection that I have on my hard drive :

See individual files for license terms and copyright.
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Re: Jack compiler written in Jack... Public Domain

This is great, Jean-Marc!  --Thanks, Paul

I'm changing my parser to include Mark's Adding Standard Operating Precedence as well as a warning if the tree differs from the unspecified, left-associative version.