You can start by reading the Logisim documentation for the relevant chips. Look at the Help -> Library Reference menu.
Then start playing with the chip in Logisim. For example, start a new circuit and put a single RAM chip on it. Then connect the ports to some input (the green square from the toolbar) and output (the green circle) pins. Make sure they are the right width (e.g. address and data pins should be 8 bits by default). You may want to switch the RAM chip to use separate load and store pins, which is a bit easier to understand and make it work.
Then switch to "execution" mode (press the hand icon on the toolbar) and change the values by clicking on the input pins. You can see, that by modifying the address, the RAM chips selects different cells. Select some of the bits in the Data input, set the Store bit. Is the value stored in the RAM? Why not?
After getting a feel of how the RAM chip works, you can start connecting it to the CPU. You have to be able to control what the RAM chip does and when, by the CPU.
I hope that helps.