I was hoping someone might have some tips for how to troubleshoot running the supplied compiler on a Mac. I figure I'm doing something silly, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
When I try to run:
JackCompiler.sh ~/Desktop/nand2tetris/projects/09/HelloWorld
I get the error:
Compiling /Users/mynamehere/Desktop/nand2tetris/projects/09/HelloWorld
Error: Could not find or load main class Hack.Compiler.JackCompiler
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Hack.Compiler.JackCompiler
I tried to add the various project tools to my PATH variable using the advice here
https://www.nand2tetris.org/copy-of-nestedcall-1. I've also tried the full path for JackCompiler.sh just in case my path variable doesn't work, but I get the same error. I have confirmed the supplied compiler is in that location. I do have java 11.0.2 on my machine. I'm using the provided HelloWorld program, to eliminate any potential errors within the jack code.
I saw on another forum that the error might be an issue with the .jar file not being added to the classpath, but I think that should be taken care of in the .sh file right?
Anyway, if you have any thoughts on what to try please let me know. Thanks!