Mark Armbrust is Awesome

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Mark Armbrust is Awesome

I just want to give a shout-out to Mark.  He's someone who was willing to help me when I was active several years ago and really went out of his way to assist me.  He's an awesome teacher and I'm glad to see the offering of the Coursera course.  I purchased the book and I think I'm ready for implementing the VM now after all these years.  I can't wait to get started!
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Re: Mark Armbrust is Awesome

I was active several years ago...
If you feel out of practice with Hack assembly language, take a look at this post that has ideas for a couple more programs.

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Re: Mark Armbrust is Awesome

Today I was cleaning out my old links and stumbled back across this place, roughly 3 years ago I was chewing threw the hardware side of this course but I never bought the book and finished it. But back to the point, huge huge thanks to Mark, I cant remember exactly but I do remember significant email conversations between Mark and I. Awesome Guy

BTW: Mark if you have paypal I'd be more than happy to send some money your way (3 years late) now that I'm working and actually can pay you for your invaluable services, seems like you deserve it for all you do here.


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Re: Mark Armbrust is Awesome

Thank you for the kind words!

You don't owe me anything directly.  I do this because I remember the old pros that helped me when I was starting with computers; this is how I repay my debt to them.
