Wain L wrote
So, for example say you have one memory address set as an output register. Is there a way to make it so that all the memory is contained in one place? for example if i had 10 addresses and one of them as output, can i have all the 10 slots together or do i have to have one of them somewhere else specifically for output?
I don't think I'm following exactly what you are asking. Are talking about all 10 output registers being at the same address? Or about all 10 output registers being located in ten adjacent memory addresses?
If the latter, than yes. In fact that makes it easier. But, in theory, you could park them wherever you wanted them.
On the old PCs you had the I/O bus which was little more than a section of the RAM address space that mapped to a bunch of card slots on the motherboard. You configured the card, usually with jumpers, to respond to a certain range of addresses and it was your responsibility to make sure that no two cards overlapped in the ranges they responded to.