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Here is a wonderful tutorial on metacompilers:

Short description:

You are going to make a compiler right here on these web pages. Yes - no kidding. In fact you are going to make a lot of compilers - and it's all going to be easy. No Ajax, Active X, DLLs, SOs, ASP, CGI, Java, plugins, modules, XML, cookies, PHP, Perl, Python, magic shell operations, world wide standard du jour, or intergalactic domination plans are necessary - just plain JavaScript in frames. Also you will be able to move the compiler you build off these web pages and into your programming language of choice by cutting and pasting. After all a compiler is just a program that reads text and writes text or binary. Most general purpose programming languages are capable of doing that.

Also see my previous posting on different implementation techniques for TECS like architectures:;cid=1313134110290-489
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Re: Metacompilers

Awesome, thanks for sharing that.

Also be aware of Crenshaw's "Let's Build a Compiler."