More convenient array construction?

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More convenient array construction?

I can create an array, and set its size...

var Array numList;
let numList =;

but now, if I wanted to fill the array, I would need to do the following...

let numList[0] = 1;
let numList[1] = 12;
let numList[2] = 100;
let numList [9] = 5;

Is there no way to feed a list of numbers in that is more convenient for typing?

let numList = {1, 12, 100, ... , 5};  ?
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Re: More convenient array construction?

bubkas22 wrote
I can create an array, and set its size...

var Array numList;
let numList =;

but now, if I wanted to fill the array, I would need to do the following...

let numList[0] = 1;
let numList[1] = 12;
let numList[2] = 100;
let numList [9] = 5;

Is there no way to feed a list of numbers in that is more convenient for typing?

let numList = {1, 12, 100, ... , 5};  ?
There is no way to create and initialize an array. You need to do the and lets.

The Jack language was designed such that it would be easy to write a Jack compiler, at the expense of usability. That's why, for instance, multiple character tokens like >= are not supported.

One thing you can do if you have multiple arrays to allocate and initialize that are all the same length is to write a function that takes the initializers as arguments. Then your your allocation/initialization could be written as
class Foo {
    var Array numList;
    let numList = Foo.newArray10(1, 12, 100, ... , 5);
Unfortunately, there is no way to do variable number of arguments, so if you needed to handle arrays of different lengths, you would need to write multiple newArray() functions.
