The way you are going about it is making if far, far more difficult than it needs to be. Your design uses 37 instances of four different parts. You can implement this design using just three instances of the same part.
As for the error, the problem is that you can't use sub buses of internal signals, only the input and output pins. It's a somewhat unrealistic limitation of the simulator.
To do what you are trying to do you would need to do something like the following:
Mux16(a=a, b=b, sel=sel0AndNotsel1, out[0]=Muxab0, out[1]=Muxab1, out[2]=Muxab2, ...);
Mux16(a=c, b=d, sel=sel0Andsel1, out=Muxcd);
And(a=Muxcd0, b=sel[1], out=Muxcd0Andsel1);
And(a=Muxcd1, b=sel[1], out=Muxcd1Andsel1);