My submission fails although tests are passing when run them manually

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My submission fails although tests are passing when run them manually

My asm-files pass all the tests (Mult.tst, FillAutomatic.tst) when I run them manually in CPU-emulator, but for some reasons they fail when I submit them in zip-archieve. The errors are:

*(-50) - Test failed (code = diff_with_test_Mult) - Mult: Comparison failure at line 2
*(-50) - Test failed (code = diff_with_test_Fill) - Fill: At line 32767: Can't continue past last line

I'm almost sure that from my side all is good. Can anybody take a look, maybe smth is wrong from the grader's side?  
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Re: My submission fails although tests are passing when run them manually

Take a look at what? You haven't given us anything to work with other than the two error messages.

About the only observation I can make on such limited information is that your Fill program is reaching the end of ROM space, which means that your program is running away into non-program memory somehow.
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Re: My submission fails although tests are passing when run them manually

Oh, sorry, of course.. Let's start with Mult.asm. Here is the contents:

  M=1 //i = 1
  M=0 //mult = 0

  D=D-M //now D contains i-R1
  D;JGT //if i > R1 goto STOP

  M=D+M //mult = mult + R0
  M=M+1 //i = i + 1

  M=D //RAM[2] = mult


I understand that it's not efficient, but now we talk about correctness.
I thought that the grader on your side simply runs provided tests, but probably it's smth else.
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Re: My submission fails although tests are passing when run them manually

Not sure if test cases use negative numbers, but this won't work if R0 is negative, it'll just go straight to end. Looping one time at the most
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Re: My submission fails although tests are passing when run them manually

It has constraints that R0 and R1 >= 0. But I've already found the problem, it somehow used R2 in grader. After I've set it to 0, problem disappeared. :)