Screen_Shot_2023-12-01_at_9.pngHere is a screenshot of my submission. It says that it fails at line 3. But when I run it on my side, it works just fine.
Here is my code if it helps:
Mux16(a=x, b=false, sel= zx, out=outx);
Not16(in=outx, out=notfinalx);
Mux16(a=outx, b=notfinalx, sel= nx, out=outfinalx);
Mux16(a=y, b=false, sel= zy, out=outy);
Not16(in=outy, out=notfinaly);
//select between x and notx based on zx
Mux16(a=outy, b=notfinaly, sel= ny, out=outfinaly);
//For F
And16(a=outfinalx, b=outfinaly, out=andfinalxy);
Add16(a=outfinalx, b=outfinaly, out=addfinalxy);
Mux16(a=andfinalxy, b=addfinalxy, sel= f, out=outxy);
//For no
Not16(in=outxy, out=notxandy);
Mux16(a=outxy, b=notxandy, sel= no, out=out, out=out1);
//For zr
And16(a=out1, b=false, out[0..7]=finalout1, out[8..15]=finalout2);
Or8Way(in=finalout1, out=orout1);
Or8Way(in=finalout2, out=orout2);
Or(a=orout1, b=orout2, out=finalorout);
Mux(a=true, b=false, sel= finalorout, out=zr);
//For ng
Mux(a=false, b=true, sel= finalorout, out=ng);