Thanks for sharing your game.
Since the Jack language specifies that the order of evaluation is undefined, I added warnings about missing ()s in expressions. There are two source lines that are flagged.
% hjc .
Processing directory .
Processing .\Food.jack
.\Food.jack(51): if (((x>(511-5-big)))|((y>(256-5-big)))) {let x = 30; let y = 30;}
^ ^
Warning: undefined precedence "-" followed by "-".
Warning: undefined precedence "-" followed by "-".
Processing .\Main.jack
Processing .\Snake.jack
.\Snake.jack(156): if ((y1[c]=y1[i]&(y2[c]=y2[i]))&((x1[c]=x1[i])&(x2[c]=x2[i]))) {
Warning: undefined precedence "=" followed by "&".
Processing .\SnakeGame.jack
For example, the (511-5-big) may be evaluated by different Jack compilers as
as expected or as
which would be a disaster!
I like to format complicated tests like these with some spaces to make the grouping more obvious
if ( ((y1[c]=y1[i]) & (y2[c]=y2[i])) & ( (x1[c]=x1[i]) & (x2[c]=x2[i]) ) ) {
When I was playing the game on my system, I found it nearly impossible to hit the arrow keys at the right time to get to the target unless I slowed the execution speed way down. You might want to increase the hit detect to include the 8 white pixels surrounding the food.
If you want to place the food randomly, you might want to look at this
random number generator.
You can start with a different random food location by seeding the random number generator. Put up a splash screen -- as simple as something like the message "Snake game -- hit any key...". While waiting for the key press, keep incrementing a counter. Use this counter as the argument to LCGRandom.setSeed().