zacharyross wrote
But are these not the parts of a not gate?
It would be, if it weren't in a comment (preceded by '//'). In your code, as posted, that entire line doesn't exist as far as the simulator is concerned.
"Another problem you are going to have is that part names are case sensitive. So NAND is not the same as Nand."
Could you elaborate on this more?
Upper and lower case letters are not the same thing, as far as the simulator is concerned, so a chip named "NAND" is as different from a chip named "Nand" as it is from a chip named "fred" or "bob". They are completely different and unrelated names.
If you remove the '//' from the commented out NAND part, you should discover that now the simulator complains about not being able to find the NAND part, or a mismatched name, depending on whether you are using the web-based or the desktop-based tools.