Hi guys,
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me troubleshoot my CPU.
I always got a comparison failure at line 32.
My implementation is basically as follows:
I used some Mux16 and Mux to distinguish between A and C instructions and then feed the output to A-Register.
Then, pretty much the same thing for D-Register.
Now, I have the input for ALU and I match the control bits with the right instruction bits if it is a C-instruction.
(I think I did something wrong here in the following part)
I used And and Not gate to make sure the ALU output matches the right condition.
Then I used OR8Way to get my load bit for C-Instruction. And Mux(a=false, b=...) to get the final control bit.
Here is the output I got and I compared it with the .cmp and found no difference so I assume something subtle.

I hope that is enough information, else I can send my code.
Please Help, thanks ahead.