Network Adapter in HDL?

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Network Adapter in HDL?

The final section in this chapter, called "Communications," describes a project to build a chip capable of connecting Hack to the internet. This seems very interesting, but I am confused as to where I should start. How can I request or process network data in HDL? Have any of you tried this project or come across any resources or tips?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Network Adapter in HDL?

This is sort of a "pie in the sky" final comment in the book.  It mentions writing a built-in component (Java code) that would talk to the host computer's Ethernet driver stack and emulate an Ethernet controller IC.

I wrote a built-in OS class for the VMEmulator that accesses a sandbox in the host computer's file system so that I could write a Jack compiler in Jack that can compile programs stored on the host computer.

An OS Intnet class that you could give a URL and that would return the web page's HTML might be a doable project, but even the simplest browser would be quite a bit of work!
