Not16 broken .cmp file?

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Not16 broken .cmp file?

Hi!I just recently started doing nand2tetris. I downloaded the tool suite from the link on the website. I was stuck for an hour on Not16 -chip, and then I figured to check out the .cmp file and it seemed wrong.

What it is:
|        in        |       out        |
| 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000 |
| 1111111111111111 | 0000000000000000 |
| 1010101010101010 | 0000000000000000 |
| 0011110011000011 | 0000000000000000 |
| 0001001000110100 | 0000000000000000 |

What it should be:
|        in        |       out        |
| 0000000000000000 | 1111111111111111 |
| 1111111111111111 | 0000000000000000 |
| 1010101010101010 | 0101010101010101 |
| 0011110011000011 | 1100001100111100 |
| 0001001000110100 | 1110110111001011 |

Hopefully I am just not brainfarting this.

Thanks, Hannu
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Re: Not16 broken .cmp file?

DMux8Way seems to be broken as well.
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Re: Not16 broken .cmp file?

I just downloaded the software tools again - it seems that this bug was fixed just today. However, given the frequent introduction of regressions lately, I would strongly suggest to the nand2tetris team to:

1. publish the software tools on github or a similar platform

2. make changes transparent and traceable (this would come implicitly by using git), so far all changes since the introduction of version 2.7 are done silently with no change in version number. The only way to check is to re-download and compare the archive

3. introduce automated testing routines to ensure the correctness and quality of the package
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Re: Not16 broken .cmp file?

I'm bringing things to the authors' attention as they are brought up here, and they are fixing them as they can. I don't know the details, but work is being done as a loose collaboration among people that have a lot else on their plates, given the current situation in that part of the world. They are trying to impose more order on things and I certainly wish them luck. In the meantime, I suspect that we can expect more of the same for a while, and we are just going to have to take a deep breath and struggle through it.
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Re: Not16 broken .cmp file?

Thank you WBahn for your help on this forum! And thank the authors of course for such a wonderful course, and for still maintaining it - especially given the circumstances.

I had the same problem with the Not16 and DMux8Way tests, and can confirm that they're both fixed in today's version of the tools on the website.