Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

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Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

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Hi all,

I was wandering: how many NAND gates/chips would you need if you want to build the entire HACK computer, chip by chip? How many NAND gates does each chip require?

For that I wrote a Python script where each function is responsible for calculating the needs of a single chip. The numbers follow my implementation of the HACK computer: they might not be optimal, but I tried to aim for low number of sub-chips.

The only "optimization" I used is I defined the XOR gate with 2 NOT and 3 NAND chips; and the DFF can be constructed with 1 AND chip and 6 NAND chips (thanks, wiki). Otherwise I followed the chip hierarchy of the nand2teris lecture.

I did not define the ROM chip; the complexity of that can vary, depending on your interpretation of what can be considered as ROM (it can be just a couple of demuxers with hard-coded constant signals - or an entire programmable RAM with tons of DFFs).

This can be a bit of a spoiler for those who have not yet finished the hardware course, as you can see what sub-chips I used for each individual chip.

This is the result I got:

chip_nand       ->       1 NAND gates.
chip_not        ->       1 NAND gates.
chip_and        ->       2 NAND gates.
chip_or         ->       3 NAND gates.
chip_xor        ->       5 NAND gates.
chip_mux        ->       8 NAND gates.
chip_dmux       ->       5 NAND gates.
chip_not16      ->      16 NAND gates.
chip_and16      ->      32 NAND gates.
chip_or16       ->      48 NAND gates.
chip_mux16      ->     128 NAND gates.
chip_or8way     ->      21 NAND gates.
chip_mux4way16  ->     384 NAND gates.
chip_mux8way16  ->     896 NAND gates.
chip_dmux4way   ->      15 NAND gates.
chip_dmux8way   ->      20 NAND gates.
chip_half_adder ->       7 NAND gates.
chip_full_adder ->      17 NAND gates.
chip_add16      ->     272 NAND gates.
chip_inc16      ->     272 NAND gates.
chip_ALU        ->    1181 NAND gates.
chip_dff        ->       8 NAND gates.
chip_bit        ->      16 NAND gates.
chip_register   ->     256 NAND gates.
chip_ram8       ->    2964 NAND gates.
chip_ram64      ->   24628 NAND gates.
chip_ram512     ->  197940 NAND gates.
chip_ram4k      -> 1584436 NAND gates.
chip_ram16k     -> 6338143 NAND gates.
chip_screen     -> 3169005 NAND gates.
chip_memory     -> 9507670 NAND gates.
chip_PC         ->     790 NAND gates.
chip_CPU        ->    2887 NAND gates.

And here is the Python code (spoiler!)

def chip_nand(): return 1
def chip_not(): return chip_nand()
def chip_and(): return chip_nand() + chip_not()
def chip_or(): return 2*chip_not() + chip_nand()
def chip_xor(): return 2*chip_not() + 3*chip_nand()
def chip_mux(): return chip_not() + 2*chip_and() + chip_or()
def chip_dmux(): return chip_not() + 2*chip_and()
def chip_not16(): return 16*chip_not()
def chip_and16(): return 16*chip_and()
def chip_or16(): return 16*chip_or()
def chip_mux16(): return 16*chip_mux()
def chip_or8way(): return 7*chip_or()
def chip_mux4way16(): return 3*chip_mux16()
def chip_mux8way16(): return 2*chip_mux4way16() + chip_mux16()
def chip_dmux4way(): return 3*chip_dmux()
def chip_dmux8way(): return chip_dmux() + chip_dmux4way()

def chip_half_adder(): return chip_and() + chip_xor()
def chip_full_adder(): return 2*chip_half_adder() + chip_or()
def chip_add16(): return 16*chip_full_adder()
def chip_inc16(): return chip_add16()
def chip_ALU(): return 6*chip_mux16() + 4*chip_not16() + chip_and16() + chip_add16() + 2*chip_or8way() + chip_or()

def chip_dff(): return chip_and() + 6*chip_nand()
def chip_bit(): return chip_mux() + chip_dff()
def chip_register(): return 16*chip_bit()
def chip_ram8(): return chip_dmux8way() + 8*chip_register() + chip_mux8way16()
def chip_ram64(): return chip_dmux8way() + 8*chip_ram8() + chip_mux8way16()
def chip_ram512(): return chip_dmux8way() + 8*chip_ram64() + chip_mux8way16()
def chip_ram4k(): return chip_dmux8way() + 8*chip_ram512() + chip_mux8way16()
def chip_ram16k(): return chip_dmux4way() + 4*chip_ram4k() + chip_mux4way16()

def chip_screen(): return chip_dmux() + 2*chip_ram4k() + chip_mux16()
def chip_memory(): return chip_dmux() + chip_not() + 2*chip_and() + chip_ram16k() + chip_screen() + chip_register() + 2*chip_mux16()
def chip_PC(): return 2*chip_mux16() + 2*chip_or() + chip_register() + chip_inc16()
def chip_CPU(): return 3*chip_mux16() + 2*chip_register() + chip_ALU() + chip_PC() + 3*chip_not() + 4*chip_and() + 3*chip_or()
# def chip_computer(): return chip_rom32k() + chip_CPU() + chip_memory()

# Create a copy of globals() to iterate over
global_objects = globals().copy()

for name, obj in global_objects.items():
    # Check if the object is a callable function and not a built-in function
    if callable(obj) and not name.startswith("__"):
        # Call the function and print its name and return value
        print(f"{name:<15} -> {obj():>7} NAND gates.")
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Re: Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

I was surprised to see that the memory requires almost 10 million NAND gates (the CPU is less than 3,000). In the age of vacuum tubes, they managed to build computers with a couple of thousands, maybe 10s of thousands of vacuum tubes (and I'm not sure a nand gate would require 1 or more tubes to implement!)

Sure, the HACK computer has a lot of memory compared to those, and it's a 16 bit architecture. Still, I wonder how would they approach the implementation of the HACK computer in the early days of computers.

Also, is there any chip that can be built more efficiently directly, without entering a crazy optimization territory?
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Re: Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

Yes, memory is expensive in terms of gates/transistors. A significant amount of transistors in modern CPUs is actually related to the embedded cache memory. However, real life memory (DRAM) is implemented more efficiently in terms of transistors (not based on gates).

But your list is far from optimal. A full adder can be done with 9 NAND gates for example, a XOR and 2x1 MUX with 4 NAND gates each. That will be cascading through to the more complex chips. Not even considering more sophisticated (global) optimizations that are applied by EDA tools. Effectively you would need much less gates. That is however out of the scope of nand2tetris.
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Re: Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

In reply to this post by Renslay
A few things. First here is a video by a guy building a tube based cpu. Right at the start you see his circuit diagram for a NOR gate

Second, in the tube and early transistor days memory was ferrite core. . not implemented as logic gates at all

Then came static ram chips(this is where intel got their start) I started in 74 and 1k (bit) chips were just being replaced by 4k chips on the machine I worked on (cpu was implemented using TTL)

Then came dram. DRAM is much, much denser but slower. This is what enabled large RAMS (gigs)

We then come full circle. To overcome the slowness of DRAM on chip SRAM caches were implemented. These basically work the same way the original SRAM chips worked, JK flip flops. Lots of them, maybe > 50% of transistors in a modern CPU
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Re: Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

In reply to this post by Renslay
This is awesome! I am taking this course largely for the hardware side of things and have been doing a similar sort of tracking i.e. attempting to build schematics of some of the circuits, but they've gotten out of control very quickly! Interested in the FPGA project mentioned on the "Cool Stuff" page on the website.
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Re: Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

One thing to keep in mind about N2T is that it is laser-focused on a simple hierarchical approach that is functional. Efficiency, of any kind, is ruthlessly sacrificed on that alter.

A few examples:

The Xor gate, the design of which is given by the authors, is constructed using a direct implementation of the Boolean expression for the XOR function. That's great for the purposes of the course, where functionality and understandability of that functionality is the goal. But that is probably the worst implementation from an optimization standpoint. In the N2T world, it ends up requiring nine Nand gates and has a total propagation delay equivalent to going through five Nand gates one after another. But the functionality can be implemented using just four Nand gates and suffering only three gate delays, but the mapping between the gate logic and the Xor functionality is anything but obvious. In practice, even the four-Nand solution is seldom used, when speed and space is critical. Instead, it is implemented directly in CMOS using twelve transistors (the same number as in three Nand gates) and having just two gate delays.

Another example is the Add16 chip. The design the authors lead you toward is known as a ripple-carry adder. It is simple, both to comprehend and construct, and it functions properly. It is also abysmally slow due to the carry logic having to trickle through every bit in the circuit. In practice, various designs such as fast-carry and carry-lookahead are used to speed things up, but the concepts behind these approaches are not the easiest to grasp.

So, while it's interesting to count up the number of gates in the Hack, keep in mind that it is not a good reflection of the actual number of transistors that would be used in a real implementation.

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Re: Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

WBahn wrote
One thing to keep in mind about N2T is that it is laser-focused on a simple hierarchical approach that is functional. Efficiency, of any kind, is ruthlessly sacrificed on that alter.
This becomes apparent trying to implement gates with basic BJT transistors. AND and NAND are equally simple to build with two transistors but you would be led to believe that AND is more complex than NAND! But I get not wanting to teach transistors as a starting point, and so I continue to have tremendous respect for the approach of the book. I’ve learned a ton!

Given a bent toward actual hardware design, not that I’m planning on building my own logic chips, are there other resources—books or available online courses—that could build on a course like this toward more efficient digital circuit design? In particular I’d like to better understand how multi bit circuits and bus architecture works at an actual hardware level.

Thanks for your responses and genuine help already!
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Re: Number of NAND gates in the HACK computer

In reply to this post by WBahn
WBahn wrote
In practice, various designs such as fast-carry and carry-lookahead are used to speed things up, but the concepts behind these approaches are not the easiest to grasp.
This reminds me that independently from the N2T course, I implemented a 4 bit carry-lookahead adder (CLA) in logisim from basic chips (and/or/xor), which I was able to hierarchically expand to a 16 bit CLA, and from that a 64 bit CLA. It was fun, and I greatly recommend for anyone as a practice! Understanding how CLAs work was a marvel on its own for me. :)