Your bootstrap looks OK.
The new things in the failing tests are:
recursion (FibonacciElement) -- beware of any temp RAM data the you might require to be maintained across a function call.
static variables in multiple classes (StaticsTest) -- double check that static variables get names that are unique between VM files.
If you are not already doing so, write the VM source code in the ASM output as comments. This will help you find your way around in your ASM.
// push $Cordic 4
// add
// pop pointer 1
[Don't try to understand the ASM in the above example; it is the output from a highly optimized translator.]
If you want to, email me the ASM you generate (with source comments) for the failing tests and I'll take a look at it when I get the chance. I'm on vacation this week but should have time available in the mornings and evenings.