To the instructors: I ordered the course book, but an error in the Amazon processing cancelled the order and I had to re-order just today, well into week 1, and shipping will take another week. I did study the HDL simulator tutorial and took close notes on the actual video course. I read the appendix but perhaps should have spent more time on it, and I perhaps should have explored Armbrust's HDL Survival guide.I'm ending Chapter 1 and was able to successfully get 9 or 10 gates done without help. But I couldn't do the rest without my son's help, who is more advanced in the course. I consider that dishonest of me, so I want to start the course again, perhaps Sept 12 or 19. I plan to reload the software suite so I will redo everything.
Please credit my $49 to my next enrollment. I hope this is OK with you.