rmarion wrote
I'm a high school student, and was wondering if it was possible to make a physical implementation of the HACK computer without the use of a FPGA. This would mean creating the computer with integrated circuits like adders, registers, multiplexors, etc. I've done some research on my own, and it seem's like it would be possible, however I am very unsure as to how the machine would connect to a monitor, and if it could even be implemented at all.
It should be possible to make a Hack-like computer using TTL or CMOS ICs. I say Hack-like because the Screen display is going to be problematic. The easiest thing to do would be to replace the Screen and Keyboard with a UART and use a serial terminal or serial port on a PC.
Memory will need to be slightly different too. RAM chips I'm familiar with have separate read and write cycles so you will need to implement a double rate clock so that the RAM reads during the first half of the Hack clock cycle and, if required, writes during the second half.
I've implemented (simulated) the Hack CPU and ALU in
Logisim with 7400 series TTL and ended up with the following chip count:
---------- ----------
74LS00 2 74LS02 1
'LS08 2 'LS08 4
'LS10 1 'LS30 2
'LS74 1 'LS83 4
'LS157 8 'LS86 12
'LS163 4 'LS157 12
'LS273 4 'LS240 2
If you would like my TTL library for Logisim, email me.