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Please extend course time due to religious observance

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Please extend course time due to religious observance

To my instructors or any one in charge if this post category.
I am an observant Jew and there are many days when I am not allowed to use electricity or even write.
1) Every Friday night through Saturday night is Shabbat. The course is 6 weeks. So this is 6 days I must cease all work.
2) Our New Year Rosh HaShana - Monday and Tuesday - 2 more days. (Oct 3 and 4)
3) Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement  Wed -Oct. 12

         This totals 9 days. All my assignments are due on Oct. 16 - i.e. midnight start of Oct 17.
Could you extend my deadline to Oct. 25 - 9 days after?


Nathan Annenberg
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Re: Please extend course time due to religious observance


I presume that you are referring to the Coursera course.

You will need to post this to the Coursera Course's forum.  I don't think that any of the Coursera TAs are monitoring this forum, which is for the Nand2Tetris.org web site.
