Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

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Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej
Hi everyone!
I'm following this wonderful course on my own and I'm really enjoying it and learning a lot.

There's only one little thing that bothers me. I began the projects in a Linux box, where I had absolutely no problem with the supplied software but now I'm using a Macbook Pro, where I can't see the status bar of the different software tools, which is a nuisance because that's where the error messages are displayed. Does anyone have any solution for this?

Thanks everyone.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Please post a screenshot of what you mean.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej
I'm not sure how to post an image in this forum.

Anyway, you can see what I mean by comparing the correct display. For example, if you have a look at the Hardware simulator instructions:

In the "Running a script" section there are two screenshots. In the second one the message "End of script - comparison ended succesfully" is circled in red. This message is shown in a rectangular area at the bottom of the screen.

This area where messages are displayed that I call "status bar" and that's what's missing in my Macbook pro laptop. It happens in every tool, not only in the hardware simulator. It shows in my linux box just as in the tutorial screenshots.

I hope it's clearer now.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

I am not familiar with Macs but I had issues with this where I needed to
1 check the window is maximized, sometimes windows open, almost but not fully maximized
2 hide the taskbar
3 alter the screen resolution
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej

It seems you have to maximize WITH a hidden "dock" (Mac lingo for the taskbar). After that you get the status bar even if the dock is shown. Reversing the action, though, doesn't work and just maximizing doesn't work either (that's what I was trying so far).

I really appreciate your help, Culchie
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Thanks, glad if I helped.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

In reply to this post by Francisco José Tornay Mej
Hey Francisco and Culchie. I am having a similar problem with resizing the windows/status bar of my hardware simulator(mac osx). For some reason, your explanation of how you fixed the problem went over my head. Will appreciate any help.

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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej
First hide the dock: just select Dock: hide (or something similar, I use a Spanish system) from the "apple menu". Whith this setting the dock shows up only when the mouse cursor reaches the bottom of the screen. Then start the hardware simulator and it should work fine.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej
And don't forget to maximize after the dock is hidden.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately it did not help me expand the windows. I hid the dock like you suggested, then I started the Hardware Simulator. I have attached a screen-shot.

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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej
In your screenshot the status bar is visible with the legend "End of script - comparison ended successfully". I thought the problem was that it was hidden. It was in my case. I think I'm missing something.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Oh, I am sorry about the mix-up. My problem is that the various windows in the Hardware Simulator as inflexible. For instance, the status bar does not expand when I go to full magnification of the Hardware Simulator window. As you will see in the screenshot, all the windows in the Hardware Simulator have this restriction.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

My guess is that the grids aren't programmed/anchored to re-size in sync with the Window. I'd say you'll just have to use the scrollbars on the grids to navigate
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Thanks for your reply Chulchie. Unfortunately, only the vertical scroll-bars work. The horizontal scroll-bars don't work at all for me.

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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Hi Todun
AFAIK the horizontal scrolling is only required to view all your HDL code and since you wrote that you can see it in your HDL file.
The important info to help you get your chips right is given in the status bar at the bottom
and in the output and compare views neither of which need horizontal scrolling.
So I think you have everything you need.
Just as a matter of interest I am running the simulator in a windows xp netbook and the scrolling works fine.
Looks like it's a Mac issue

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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Thanks for the reply. Indeed you're right that I don't really need this. It is just convenient to have the option. For instance, in the attached screen-shot, you will see that the output window is cut-off. Although I could go to the website and get the compare file to get the rest of the information, it will be nice not to go through that to see the full output during debugging.


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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej
Have you read this thread about how to change the java code to implement horizontal scroll bars?
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Francisco José Tornay Mej
Oops! Wrong link. Anyway the post is at the "Errata, Bugs, and Such" section in this forum.
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Re: Problem with the status bar in a Macbook

Thanks for this piece of information. I will let you know how it goes. Great help guys.