i'm a little confused b/c it seems that in another part of the forum, the solution using [] is correct:
the thread at the link below seems to say that the solution further below is correct (and roughly matches what i came up with) but the HDL throws the 'sub bus of internal node may not be used' error
is there a step previous to this?
also, physically, i don't understand why 8 pins of a 16 bit bus couldn't be connected to an Or8Way chip while the other 8 pins are connected to another Or8Way chip but i'm sure i'm totally missing something.
http://questions-and-answers-forum.32033.n3.nabble.com/Figuring-out-zr-td2326310.htmlOr8Way(in=outValue[0..7], out=firstPartOr);
Or8Way(in=outValue[8..15], out=secondPartOr);
Or(a=firstPartOr, b=secondPartOr, out=orOut);
Not(in=orOut, out=zr);