Programming Languages in one line

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Programming Languages in one line

Java: Don’t worry about unnecessary details.

C++: It’s important to worry about details.

C: If it works, don’t fix it.

Rust: If it works, fix it anyway.

Assembly Language: Worry about microseconds, not your finite lifespan.

Perl: The Wild West in text processing form.

Python: The Netherlands in text processing form.

Ruby: Easy to understand, especially after the first five years.

Scala: Do you find ordinary programming languages too easy? Try Scala.

Haskell: Do you find Scala too easy? Try Haskell.

Erlang: I fancy a sequential subset. Would anyone else like a sequential subset?

Cobol: Do you find ordinary programming languages too exciting? Try Cobol.

ActionScript: Let’s not be too hasty to write off the Titanic.

Javascript: You can run but you can’t hide.

CoffeeScript: Maybe we can hide?

C#: Probably not everything Microsoft does is bad.

Swift: Probably not everything Apple does is good.

Awk: Recapture your nostalgia for the late 1970s.

Fortran: Recapture your nostalgia for the 1950s.

PHP: Because sometimes you need to compromise your principles.

Basic: Everyone’s got to start somewhere.

Pascal: You can use a proper language when you finish your course.

Kotlin: Damn those Oracle guys with their so-called Java.

Go: We know you hate C++. Here’s the answer.

Smalltalk: Surely we can’t just throw it away?

Lisp: Because life’s too short to learn new programming languages.

Ada: We can’t have planes crashing now, can we?

R: It’s important. One day scientists will figure out why.

PL/SQL: Because every life must include some suffering.

CSound: Make any kind of music you like, as long as it’s awful.

Visual Basic: I think I felt a pulse?
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Re: Programming Languages in one line

SNOBOL: It melted away many years ago.

APL: Write any program in one line, but even you won't be able to read what you wrote.

PL/1: If you can't choose between FORTRAN and COBOL...

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