I have finished coding Project 12 and following are my lessons learned from this experience.
-The classes can be implemented in any order. I started with Math class but when I got stuck I moved to other classes and came back to Math class later.
-It helps to write classes in another language like Python before writing them in Jack.
-It might help to revisit chapter 9 before chapter 12. There are two chapters between chapter 9 and chapter 12, that involve doing lot of work in a language other than Jack. Before making any progress in Project 12 I actually had to go back and do it all over again before coming back to chapter 12.
- Until you see Pong game running in VM Emulator, dont think that everything is right with your code even if your classes pass all the individual tests.
- The Screen class tests probably does not check clearScreen() method. So the code could pass screen test but Pong will fail.
- When the code hangs with "Running" message then press the stop button and look at the call stack to find out which function was called last to use it as a starting point for debugging.
- Use parantheses around all the logical operations that result in True/False. This is especially important if there are more than one logical comparison inside an if/while statment like the following one.
if( ((squaredValue=x) | (squaredValue<x)) & (squaredValue>0) ) {}
This caused me lot of grief even though I knew it from chapter 9 but this had slipped from my mind.
- Jack OS error codes give info about the possible errors that could occur and where the check should be put in code.
http://nand2tetris-questions-and-answers-forum.32033.n3.nabble.com/Jack-OS-Error-Codes-td2507451.htmlGood Luck with project 12.