Contributed by
Warren Toomey
23 Jan 2010
When I was writing the HDL in the first projects, I created a text file with all of the chip interfaces, so I didn't have to keep looking them up. The template also helped me remember which type of pins were on which side of the = sign. Below is the text file, I hope it helps others.
Add16(a= ,b= ,out= );
ALU(x= ,y= ,zx= ,nx= ,zy= ,ny= ,f= ,no= ,out= ,zr= ,ng= );
And16(a= ,b= ,out= );
And(a= ,b= ,out= );
ARegister(in= ,load= ,out= );
Bit(in= ,load= ,out= );
CPU(inM= ,instruction= ,reset= ,outM= ,writeM= ,addressM= ,pc= );
DFF(in= ,out= );
DMux4Way(in= ,sel= ,a= ,b= ,c= ,d= );
DMux8Way(in= ,sel= ,a= ,b= ,c= ,d= ,e= ,f= ,g= ,h= );
DMux(in= ,sel= ,a= ,b= );
DRegister(in= ,load= ,out= );
FullAdder(a= ,b= ,c= ,sum= ,carry= );
HalfAdder(a= ,b= ,sum= , carry= );
Inc16(in= ,out= );
Keyboard(out= );
Memory(in= ,load= ,address= ,out= );
Mux16(a= ,b= ,sel= ,out= );
Mux4Way16(a= ,b= ,c= ,d= ,sel= ,out= );
Mux8Way16(a= ,b= ,c= ,d= ,e= ,f= ,g= ,h= ,sel= ,out= );
Mux(a= ,b= ,sel= ,out= );
Nand(a= ,b= ,out= );
Not16(in= ,out= );
Not(in= ,out= );
Or16(a= ,b= ,out= );
Or8Way(in= ,out= );
Or(a= ,b= ,out= );
PC(in= ,load= ,inc= ,reset= ,out= );
RAM16K(in= ,load= ,address= ,out= );
RAM4K(in= ,load= ,address= ,out= );
RAM512(in= ,load= ,address= ,out= );
RAM64(in= ,load= ,address= ,out= );
RAM8(in= ,load= ,address= ,out= );
Register(in= ,load= ,out= );
ROM32K(address= ,out= );
Screen(in= ,load= ,address= ,out= );
Xor(a= ,b= ,out= );