Question about multi-core machines

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Question about multi-core machines

When a machine has multiple CPUs, does each CPU differ in any particular way in its construction, and would a machine benefit from having CPUs tailored for different tasks? Or is the construction of a CPU (for example the ALU in the book) a standard thing that doesn't or can't differ?

I noticed that the author writes that you can make a CPU from NOR gates. It made me wonder if there is then a huge spectrum of types of CPUs that can be made, from NANDs, NORs or some combination?
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Re: Question about multi-core machines

The multi-core processors used in PCs have identical cores so that any program can run any core.

You might find this article interesting. It talks about the use of CPUs optimized for various functions in a processor chip designed for cell phones.

Do not get hung up on what technology—Nands, Nors, Transmission gates, etc.—is used to create the CPUs. The important thing is the CPU architecture and instruction set, and there are many different ones.

For your historical (hysterical?) review, I just searched; there is a pdf of the Architecture book I have from CU in the late '70s.
It's a 668 page, 1.5 kg beauty.  8^)

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Re: Question about multi-core machines

Thanks for your reply I will look into it.

I've got another question, but I keep making threads so I'll just ask here since you seem to answer most of them.

For the 2nd project in the 4th chapter, the one that switches the colour of the screen, is it possible with the tools we're given here to do it without any kind of flicker? I'm just wondering if it's worth me spending time optimising my program (seeing if there's redundant instructions I can remove) or whether I should move on?
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Re: Question about multi-core machines

Some flickering is inevitable because drawing the Screen GUI component is asynchronous to program simulation. Best results seem to be when your program minimizes the writes it is doing.

Id suggest that you continue through the course. When you get finished, it can be interesting to review your earlier work; you may see many ways to improves it with what you have learned.
