Could someone please explain to me why address[13..14] can be shared between the DMux4Way and the Mux4Way16? Also address[13] is shared with RAM16K as well. I've tried to change the address[13..14] to [0..1] and other combinations but only the [13..14] seems to work. If the address[13] is shared between these 3 lines, why can't other addresses be shared?
DMux4Way(in=load, sel=address[13..14], a=ram0, b=ram1, c=scrn, d=keybrd);
RAM16K(in=in, load=ram, address=address[0..13], out=ramout);
Mux4Way16(a=ramout, b=ramout, c=scrnout, d=keybrdout, sel=address[13..14], out=out);
Thanks in advance for any help!