I used my Jack files to do the tests, and the following problems occurred when testing stringtest.
Later I found out that the problem was math. VM because I used the math. VM provided by the system to do the test, no problem, once I changed to my own math. vm, there are more problems.
The problem should be in -32767 and -32123 because they exceed the 16 digit range.
So display errors.
How should I deal with this problem?

/** Sets this string to hold a representation of the given value. */
method void setInt(int n) {
let len = 0;
if (n < 0) {
let n = -n;
do appendChar(45);
do setInt2(n);
method void setInt2(int n) {
var int nextN;
if (n < 10) {
do appendChar(String.d2c(n));
} else {
let nextN = n / 10;
do setInt2(nextN);
do appendChar(String.d2c(n - (nextN * 10)));
function int multiply(int x, int y) {
var int sum, index, mask;
let mask = 1;
while (index < 16) {
if (y & mask) {
let sum = sum + x;
let x = x + x;
let index = index + 1;
let mask = mask + mask;
return sum;
function int divide(int x, int y) {
var int q;
if (y = 0) {
do Sys.error(3);
return 0;
let q = Math._div(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(y));
if ((x < 0) = (y < 0)) {
return q;
} else {
return -q;
function int _div(int x, int y) {
var int q, result, sum;
if ((y > x) | ~(y < 16384)) {
return 0;
let q = Math.divide(x, y + y);
let sum = q + q;
if ((x - (sum * y)) < y) {
let result = sum;
} else {
let result = sum + 1;
return result;