Hi, I encountered this troubleshooting for no apparent reason. I checked numerous times and can find no illegal or missing pin name. Please help me!
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/a/RAM64.hdl
* Memory of 64 registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[6];
OUT out[16];
// Put your code here:
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[3..5], a=q1, b=q2, c=q3, d=q4, e=q5, f=q6, g=q7, h=q8);
RAM8(in=in, load=q1, address=address[0..2], out=w1,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q2, address=address[0..2], out=w2,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q3, address=address[0..2], out=w3,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q4, address=address[0..2], out=w4,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q5, address=address[0..2], out=w5,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q6, address=address[0..2], out=w6,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q7, address=address[0..2], out=w7,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q8, address=address[0..2], out=w8,);
Mux8Way16(a=w1, b=w2, c=w3, d=w4, e=w5, f=w6, g=w7, h=w8, sel=address[3..5], out=out);
Please format your post better. Don't expect others to wade through it. Though I can already see some syntax errors.
Once you get it formatted and posted, I'll take a closer look and point out what I see.
IN in[16], load, address[6];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[3..5], a=q1, b=q2, c=q3, d=q4, e=q5, f=q6, g=q7, h=q8);
RAM8(in=in, load=q1, address=address[0..2], out=w1,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q2, address=address[0..2], out=w2,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q3, address=address[0..2], out=w3,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q4, address=address[0..2], out=w4,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q5, address=address[0..2], out=w5,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q6, address=address[0..2], out=w6,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q7, address=address[0..2], out=w7,);
RAM8(in=in, load=q8, address=address[0..2], out=w8,);
Mux8Way16(a=w1, b=w2, c=w3, d=w4, e=w5, f=w6, g=w7, h=w8, sel=address[3..5], out=out);
Line27 in the title refers to the line where "RAM8" first appears.
Much easier to look.
So look at the pin list for your RAM8 chip. The last pin given is out=w1, but this is followed by a comma, which tells the simulator to expect another pin connection. But there isn't one.