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Rather Iffy
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I am sitting at my computer looking at the pong game and i still cannot believe i did it.

I would like to thank the Nand 2 Tetris team for a wonderful learning experience.

Flowers from Holland for you all from this Dutch girl in traditional dress.
Thanks again, especially Mark for giving me just the right hints at the right time.

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Re: Ready


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Re: Ready

Rather Iffy
This post was updated on .
Thanks Mark.

Some impressions about the course.

During the projects i had the constant feeling that the hard- and software constructions
i was building were somehow beyond my grasp. Only after  some time i
learned to understand my own constructions, how they worked and could predict their results.
I enjoy such tension.

Programming focuses my mind : i could work a whole week on a problem f.i. how
to divide without multiplying.
It was all trial and error guided by half understood theory.

I am an industrial engineer and I came to computer science and mathematical logic
through Douglas R. Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid.
After that i studied Stephen Kleene's Introduction to Metamathematics and
Martin  Davis' Computability and Unsolvability.

Errors forced me to check my assumptions.
With better assumptions i now  can think clearer and faster and come up with
better programming ideas.

As a side-effect of working on the Nand2Tetris projects i learned to program in Python
with Emacs.

I enjoyed the TECS course very much and i am feeling myself a little bit homeless

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Re: Ready

Rather Iffy wrote
I enjoyed the TECS course very much and i am feeling myself a little bit homeless
Stick around; we love it when students who've completed the course hang around and answer questions from their perspective.

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