Good eyes! I don't recall anyone else asking about that.
Those 5 values after the 2 arguments are the stack frame that the "call SimpleFunction.test 2" would have set up before it entered the function. The saved pointer values will be copied into their registers by the "return".
arg -> RAM[310] 1234,
RAM[311] 37,
RAM[312] 1000, // return IP
RAM[313] 305, // saved LCL
RAM[314] 300, // saved ARG
RAM[315] 3010, // saved THIS
RAM[316] 4010, // saved THAT
lcl, sp -> 317
The return IP is a ROM address in the CPUEmulator and a VM code line number in the VMEmulator.
For the CPUEmulator, your code will return to 1000 and continue running for up to 300 empty instructions.
For the VMEmulator, the return instructions is the last instruction executed.