Starting a coding boot camp

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Starting a coding boot camp

Thank you so much for your generosity in providing such a resource. I actually saw the TED video in regards to the history of this project. I immediately bought the book on Amazon (even though I knew there was the PDF). I feel strongly that projects like these should be supported. Having the book and accessibility to the resources online is very helpful. (I have noticed some differences that have helped me understand things that I didn't understand when I was reading the kindle version). I hope to have more capacity to understand this book once I have some programming background. I have been trying to learn on my own and now I am taking the next step through an "accelerator program". (As I have no computer science background) I have tried free and paid resources online from khan academy,, and PluralSight but I wish a deeper understanding as I'd like to pursue programming that involves fundamental access and manipulation of the hardware. (I've also joined meetup programming groups but those types of venues are hit and miss) I love that you have provided this book and I only wish there was a type of course or "incubator" type program that combines the two. Anyone know of such a thing or interested in forming one?