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It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have finished all twelve chapters of TECS! It has taken me approximately four months, working at a rate of about ten hours a week. The knowledge gained has been worth every second of effort. Profuse thanks to the authors and their assistants for providing such an accessible, high-quality learning tool.

As it happens, I am about to begin a Ph.D. program in computer science, and one of the classes that I am taking this fall is an operating systems course that involves working with a small custom OS on a Galileo board. I anticipate that the principles I have learned from this book will be quite helpful in my future studies.

For a few weeks, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish the book before school started. I was especially nervous to read that one student had made it all the way to the end and then had trouble getting his OS files to coordinate together. I too had some trouble, but most of my issues resolved when I realized that the OS classes have to be initialized in the appropriate order to satisfy inter-class dependencies. Once I realized that, the remaining bugs were relatively easy to fix.

Again, best regards to the instructors and site administrators. You are engaged in a noble endeavor!
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Re: Success!

Congratulations on a job well done!

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Re: Success!

Thanks very much, Mark. I consulted some of your responses to other students while I was working on my project, so I have you to thank as well!