Such a great site and project!

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Such a great site and project!

Hi everyone,

I finished building the computer and everything tested successfully. It fully runs hack machine code. I am going to start on the software projects soon. But before I did that I wanted to document everything I did in designing my computer, to diagram and explain everything formally. So I went back to the beginning and did just that, using visio to create my diagrams. As I did, I found myself wanting to explain this in such a way that someone else with minimal background in computers could understand how it all fits together. I'm not sure I succeeded, despite everything. I am sure that there places where I breeze through some designs. But I had a self-imposed format I wanted to follow. In the end, I think it works though it may take some concentration and rereading for people to fully digest it.

Anyway, I just wanted to share it with you all in this section of the forum where presumably everyone has already completed all the projects. If you care to check it out you can at:

If anyone who happens to look at it notices any errors, please let me know. I'm also curious as to whether my implementation is fairly similar to others.
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Re: Such a great site and project!
