Suggestion for Hardware Simulator’s feedback text field.

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Suggestion for Hardware Simulator’s feedback text field.

I found while completing the course that it could be hard to use the error messages given by the hardware simulator to debug. Because I had my project files in a reasonably long filepath (eg .../Documents/Projects/nand2tetris/projects/5/CPU.hdl), I was unable to read the full error message.

As they are very useful for finding the typo or mistake in an hdl file, it would be helpful if the text in the error message field was selectable or scrollable, so that the full message can be read.
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Re: Suggestion for Hardware Simulator’s feedback text field.

I'm not sure what is the status of the official tools. I haven't seen any improvements recently, so I think they are unmaintained at the moment. Again, this is not official and I'd love to be wrong about that! :)

I have an unofficial fork at and I just I fixed this issue there. The release is here:

Feedback and comments are welcome.