Test not writing to FibonacciElement.out

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Test not writing to FibonacciElement.out

I've passed ProgramFlow, SimpleFunction, NestedCall, and am trying to pass FibonacciElement.

I've got the bootstrap code, stepped through the assembly in the CPU Emulator vis-a-vis FibonacciElementVME.tst in the VM Emulator, line by line (took at least 1.5 hours), and I have the correct results for RAM[0] (262) and RAM[261] (3).

However, the test just hangs at the Sys.init WHILE loop - and it doesn't end or write anything to FibonacciElement.out.

This is odd; has anyone ever encountered this before?
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Re: Test not writing to FibonacciElement.out

Oh, nevermind.

repeat 6000 {
just took forever to complete.