Testing my java assembler

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Testing my java assembler

For testing my java Assembler I have added a line of code at the first line of Max.asm (for example @3).
I noticed that your Assembler does not generate any code for that instruction(added by me).Shoudn't your Assembler generate 0000000000000011 ? Instead it by-passes this A_instruction while mine doesn't.
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Re: Testing my java assembler

I cannot reproduce this behavior. Can you provide details or a screenshot?

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Re: Testing my java assembler

It is exaclty the same program Max.asm but above the first command @0 I have added the command @3 just for testing.It doesn's affects the programs behavior because my added command @3 is immediatetly followed by @0(originally first command of Max.asm,but now second) but the assembler of yours doesn't produce code for the new first command @3 added by me.
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Re: Testing my java assembler

I am sorry,my fault again,it actually produces code!The actual problem I have is how to index L_Commands ,but I guess I ll figure it out!thank you!