Tests passed using CPUEmulator but issue when submitting via Coursera (solved)

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Tests passed using CPUEmulator but issue when submitting via Coursera (solved)

Marco Bellocchi
This post was updated on .
Hi there,

I am finding a strange issue. I have created project7 using C# and I can translate vm files into asm files (The call should be VMTranslator.exe fileName.vm, it creates a fileName .asm in the same folder).

Based on the tst files provided, they are passing all tests (in other words after translating each .vm file into the correspondent .asm file by running my VMTranslator, and running asm file into CPUEMulator, the out file generated and cmp file provided are identical). However when I submit via Coursera, I keep receving "The submitted VMTranslator failed to translate SimpleAdd.vm" . Can anyone help me out please?

I also added some debug and I am outputting the translated file in debug mode, and it seems to get translated properly.

Many thanks,

PS: never mind I found the issue. The file passes is dir/folderName/fileName, but I was creating the file in dir instead of dir/folderName