TextComparer issue for empty parameterLists and expressionLists

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TextComparer issue for empty parameterLists and expressionLists


I didn't use TextComparer for Project 10, thinking that opening the xml's in a browser and scrolling incrementally was at least as helpful because I could visually see when exactly things went wrong, what was called before, etc.

Now that I'm using TextComparer for project 11, I went ahead and ran it on some seemingly identical xml files from project 10. Well, to my surprise, even though they are IDENTICAL in browser view, the textcomparer is bringing up an error in comparison specifically when there is an empty parameterList or expressionList, and I do not know how to fix the issue.

It says that although my file reads <parameterList></parameterList>, the comparison file reads <parameterList> with nothing after, however, upon visual inspection, they do in fact have the opening and closing on the same line.  I do not understand how this works.

Any help is greatly appreciated
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Re: TextComparer issue for empty parameterLists and expressionLists

Help with this issue is also extremely appreciated considering my professor uses these comparing tools to grade us, so minute differences that may not even cause an issue in real application, but show up as a failure on the comparisons, can cause a grade decrement.

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Re: TextComparer issue for empty parameterLists and expressionLists

In reply to this post by ngdrummer
I don't understand the use of TextComparer for project 11. There is nothing in the project 11 tests to compare against; it's all interactive testing.

In any case, if you e-mail me the TextComparer command line you are using and the two project 10 XML files, I'll see if I can tell what's happening.

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Re: TextComparer issue for empty parameterLists and expressionLists

Ah you're right, I'm mostly just rechecking since I couldn't get the engine perfect before, and wanted to make sure it was working correctly before moving to project 11. I'll go ahead and email you the files now.

My textcomparer execution in command was simple:

TextCompare <pathto>/Main1.xml <pathto>/Main.xml
Comparison failure in line 9:

but when I open the xml in a browser to view, the two look identical, and both have
written on one line without visible spacing.
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Re: TextComparer issue for empty parameterLists and expressionLists

In reply to this post by cadet1620
I faced a similar issue. It was confirmed the 'MainT.xml' I created was identical to the sample one on the web browser. Nevertheless, when I compared them by the TextComparer, it issued a message 'Comparison failure.'

Could you tell me why this happened?

Please find attached my 'MainT.xml' and the image of my command on the command prompt and the error.

Best Regards,
Ichiro Kaneto
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Re: TextComparer issue for empty parameterLists and expressionLists

Which MainT? There are several between projects 10 and 11.

You screen shot says that it is comparing a file called "MyMainT.xml".

The screen shot implies that one of the files is being seen as a single line with everything on it. Be sure you are using the correct end-of-line sequence.