To save myself the trouble of retyping everything, I made a small batch file to compare all the files in project 10. Just make sure you place it in nand2tetris/projects/10 AND to change the second path/filename to fit your token files. Not sure why I had to place echos after every call though.
May it help you as much as it helped me.
@echo off
cd ../../tools
echo on
call TextComparer ../projects/10/ArrayTest/MainT.xml ../projects/10/ArrayTest/Main_Token.xml
echo on
call TextComparer ../projects/10/ExpressionlessSquare/MainT.xml ../projects/10/ExpressionlessSquare/Main_Token.xml
echo on
call TextComparer ../projects/10/ExpressionlessSquare/SquareT.xml ../projects/10/ExpressionlessSquare/Square_Token.xml
echo on
call TextComparer ../projects/10/ExpressionlessSquare/SquareGameT.xml ../projects/10/ExpressionlessSquare/SquareGame_Token.xml
echo on
call TextComparer ../projects/10/Square/MainT.xml ../projects/10/Square/Main_Token.xml
echo on
call TextComparer ../projects/10/Square/SquareT.xml ../projects/10/Square/Square_Token.xml
echo on
call TextComparer ../projects/10/Square/SquareGameT.xml ../projects/10/Square/SquareGame_Token.xml