Tracing Success

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Tracing Success

Ok, so i was able to use the breakpoint and commenting system i came up with along with placing the the CPUE and the VME Side by side running the same code. I was tracing the statics test. My implementation came up with the exact same values but they were in a different place. When i look at the test the cpue starts out at ram[256] and the vme starts out at ram[261] could that be the reason for the failure.
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Re: Tracing Success

The set RAM[0] 256 in the StaticsTest.tst file is redundant.

For this test, your VM Translator must be writing the bootstrap code to the beginning of the ASM output.
The bootstrap code does
    SP = 256
    call Sys.init 0
This call makes a stack frame before jumping to Sys.init so the SP value will be 261 after the call code jumps to Sys.init.
