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[This is a new document. Corrections, additions, etc. are encouraged!]
Memory Access Commands |
push segment index | Pushes a memory location's value or a constant, onto the stack. |
pop segment index | Pops a value off the stack and stores it in a memory location. |
Arithmetic/Logical Commands |
Arithmetic operations and comparisons are 2's complement. |
Logical operations are bitwise. |
add | Pop y, pop x, push x + y. |
sub | Pop y, pop x, push x - y. |
and | Pop y, pop x, push AND(x, y). |
or | Pop y, pop x, push OR(x, y). |
lt | Pop y, pop x, push -1 if x < y, else 0. |
eq | Pop y, pop x, push -1 if x = y, else 0. |
gt | Pop y, pop x, push -1 if x > y, else 0. |
neg | Pop x, push −x. |
not | Pop x, push NOT(x). |
"Pop, pop, push" is the logical effect of the commands. Your translator does not need write actual push and pop commands. |
Program Flow commands |
Must be within a function, and label may be duplicated between multiple functions. |
The ASM symbol should be functionName$label. ('$' is a legal ASM symbol character that is assumed will not be in functionName or label.) |
label symbol | Defines a target for goto and <i<if-goto</i> commands. |
goto symbol | Unconditional jump to symbol. |
if-goto symbol | Pop x. If x ≠ 0, jump to symbol. |
symbol is a string of letters, digits, underscore (_), dot (.), and colon (:) that does not begin with a digit.
Function commands |
function functionName nLocals | Begin a new function that uses nLocals local variables. |
call functionName nArgs | Call functionName. nArgs arguments have been pushed on the stack. |
return | Return to the calling function. The current top-of-stack value is the return value. |
functionName is a string of letters, digits, underscore (_), dot (.), and colon (:) that does not begin with a digit.
Memory segments |
Pointer-based addressing |
argument | 0 ≤ index < nArgs |
*(ARG + index) | Arguments for the current function. |
local | 0 ≤ index < nLocals |
*(LCL + index) | Local variables for the current function. |
this | index ≥ 0 |
*(THIS + index) | Data fields in class objects. |
that | index ≥ 0 |
*(THAT + index) | Array indexing. |
Absolute addressing |
pointer | index = 0 or 1 |
THIS (0) or THAT (1) | The base pointers for the this and that segments. |
temp | 0 ≤ index ≤ 7 |
R5 - R12 | Project global temporary variables. |
static | index ≥ 0 |
filename.index | File global variables. |
constant | index ≥ 0 |
@index | A read only constant, value = index. |
Implementation of function related commands
call f n (calling a function f after n arguments have been pushed onto the stack) |
push return-address // (Using the label declared below)
push LCL // Save LCL of calling function
push ARG // Save ARG of calling function
push THIS // Save THIS of calling function
push THAT // Save THAT of calling function
ARG = SP-n-5 // Reposition ARG (n = number of args.)
LCL = SP // Reposition LCL
goto f // Transfer control
(return-address) // Declare a label for the return-address
function f k (declaring a function f that has k local variables)
(f) // Declare label for the function entry
repeat k times: // k = number of local variables
PUSH 0 // Initialize all of them to 0
return (from a function) |
FRAME = LCL // FRAME is a temporary variable
RET = * (FRAME-5) // Put the return-address in a temp. var.
*ARG = pop() // Reposition the return value for the caller
SP = ARG+1 // Restore SP of the caller
THAT = *(FRAME-1) // Restore THAT of the caller
THIS = *(FRAME-2) // Restore THIS of the caller
ARG = *(FRAME-3) // Restore ARG of the caller
LCL = *(FRAME-4) // Restore LCL of the caller
goto RET // Goto return-address (in the caller's code)
Bootstrap code
SP=256 // Initialize the stack pointer to 0x0100
call Sys.init // Start executing (the translated code of) Sys.init
Note that this is a VM "call Sys.init 0" command, not a jump.
Command line
VMTranslator foo/bar/file.vm
Translate foo/bar/file.vm to foo/bar/file.asm, do not write bootstrap code.
VMTranslator foo/bar/directory
Translate all *.vm files in foo/bar/directory to foo/bar/directory/directory.asm, write bootstrap code.