VME.test vs our implementation of VM translator

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VME.test vs our implementation of VM translator

I'm running into the issue of initializing SP/LCL/ARG/THIS/THAT correctly.

When I run the VME script in the VM emulator, it obviously runs correctly, but when I translate a .vm code in my .java program I wrote, it doesn't run the VME script initializations. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I'm wondering what it is!

This is very frustrating because for obvious reasons I'm getting syntax errors when trying to translate .vm files without RAM initializations. It's also making project 7/8 impossible to test.

Any help would be great!
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Re: VME.test vs our implementation of VM translator

Oh My Goodness! I'm supposed to run the .tst script in the CPU Emulator? Wow I missed that fine print. Now everything  works, and awesomely, my project 7 VM translator worked perfectly even though I hadn't been able to test it properly, YAY!