Valid characters for labels

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Valid characters for labels

I know it's somewhere, but I'm lost on where the table of valid characters for both starting a label or having anywhere in a label is. i.e., I know it cannot start with a number, but can have a number later in the label.  Where is this information?

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Re: Valid characters for labels

ngdrummer wrote
I know it's somewhere, but I'm lost on where the table of valid characters for both starting a label or having anywhere in a label is. i.e., I know it cannot start with a number, but can have a number later in the label.  Where is this information?

It is rather hard to spot without reading linearly! I didn't see it quickly scanning chapter 4 so I searched the PDF files.

It's in both sections 4.2.6 and 6.2.1.

    Constants and Symbols Constants must be non-negative
    and are always written in decimal notation. A user-defined
    symbol can be any sequence of letters, digits, underscore (_),
    dot (.), dollar sign ($), and colon (:) that does not begin with
    a digit.

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Re: Valid characters for labels

Thanks Mark,

found it in the text right before reading this hehe!